Annual Conference
Biomaterials in Medicine
and Veterinary Medicine
9 - 12 October 2025 Rytro, Poland


Submission deadline: June 30, 2025 

All participants who intend to contribute oral and/or poster presentations are kindly requested to prepare one-page abstract in English, which will be published in conference materials (non-reviewed special edition of the Journal "Engineering of Biomaterials"). You may submit a maximum of two abstracts (one for oral and one for poster or two for poster presentations).

Abstract submission is only possible during registration via our online system (we will not accept abstracts sent by email after registration). Only abstracts from individuals who have paid the registration fee will be published.

Abstracts must be prepared using the following template, in MS Word DOC format, not PDF. The file name should contain presenting author first and last names, but without special characters, as in the examples: 




Abstracts should be submitted during registration.